This can be essays, loose thoughts, howtos, curated lists or whatever. Sometimes I'll revisit and update stuff here, subscribe via RSS if you want to stay tuned! ;-)
- Welcome to my Happy Place!
published 2024-02-19, updated 2024-02-20
- Apache Guacamole on OpenBSD
published 2023-11-30, updated 2024-01-14
- Reverse SSH tunnels for remote port forwarding
published 2023-11-30, updated 2024-01-08
- My Miso Ramen Recipe
published 2023-10-28, updated 2023-11-03
- How to become an Internet service provider (ISP)
published 2023-10-27
- Public Authoritative DNS with BIND on OpenBSD
published 2022-10-03, updated 2023-09-10
- A Linux Desktop - Chicago-style
published 2022-07-03, updated 2022-11-11