Diese Ausgabe der LTI ("Lingua Tertii Imperii", Sprache des Dritten Reiches) habe ich vor etwa 20 Jahren aus einem Schrank in der Schule geklaut. Behandelt wurde das Werk nicht. Es hat mich nachhaltig beeinflusst - vermutlich mehr als jedes andere Buch. Brandaktuell..
(Viktor Klemperer, LTI)
(published 2024-10-01)
Did you know there's GNU units? That's something for the daily toolkit.
(GNU units)
(published 2024-10-01)
I'm going to repost many of my original posts from Mastodon here. I think that's probably the best use for this notes section, which I haven't touched otherwise for a few months now..
(published 2024-10-01)
When I was a kid, I wanted Windows 98 so bad that I dreamed that an Upgrade CD (in such a cardboard case) was included as a gift with a pack of kitchen roll my mum bought. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when I woke up.. Luckily, my uncle gave me a 32MB RAM upgrade for my 11th birthday and installed his copy on the family PC. Good times. :-)
(Windows98 Upgrade CD-ROM in a cardboard case. I stole that photo from an ebay auction.)
(published 2024-06-14)
Oh my.. Yesterday I stumbled upon Good Old Games, a distributor that licenses and sells old video games. I bought the Magic and Magic series (part I - VI) for EUR 2.49 .. and maybe a feeew other titles. ;-) MM4 and MM5 (which, if installed together, form the "World of Xeen") were the first games my cousins, uncles, dad and me played on PC during the early nineties.
The games on GOG are optimised/ pre-configured for modern operating systems and contain lots of extra material like digital copies of handbooks, maps, etc. pp. that were shipped with the original boxes. The fact that many of the titles are available in german, too, lowers the barrier for my eight years old son.. So I'm pretty exited wether he likes ANNO, The Settlers or Baldur's Gate.. :-)
(Screenshot of Might and Magiv IV)
(published 2024-03-25)
I've just relaunched this website and didn't bother breaking things. What's new?
From now on I'm using jlsksr.de (instead of jkdata.de/jka/) for my personal homepage. The old domain name will still be used for infrastructure and maybe more business-oriented stuff.
After three years, I switched the static site generator (SSG) used to build this site from Jekyll to Zola (formerly Gutenberg). I really like Jekyll, but nonetheless prefer something more lightweight with less dependencies. Zola, being a single executable (originally written in Rust), suits my needs very nice.
I also wrote this new theme (HTML + CSS) completely from scratch. I hope it provides an enhanced reading experience, especially for longer texts and when viewed in text-only browsers.
There's this new "microblog" section you're reading at the moment. It's intended as a place for shorter, maybe more frequent updates without raising any claims on being serious or complete or whatever..
(published 2024-03-24, updated 2024-03-25)